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Currently reading

Finding Zach
Rowan Speedwell
Boys of Vice City
City Knight: Working It
T.A. Webb
The Magpie Lord
K.J. Charles
Unhinge the Universe
Aleksandr Voinov, L.A. Witt
Bad Wolf Blood
Marcy Jacks
Evenfall (In the Company of Shadows, #1)
Santino Hassell, Ais
Chance Assassin: A Story of Love, Luck, and Murder
Nicole Castle
Fire's Embrace (Chronicles of the Shifter Directive, #6)
Scarlet Hyacinth
Forever: Spy vs. Spook Series, Book 3 - Tinnean Here experiencing Mark and Quinton more of their relationship, recognizing their feelings for each other, and finds out that this relationship is serious.

But there are some who will chase Quinton around the world without purpose, Edward Holmes is Quinton's leader in the department. He will do everything to destroy Quinton's family has already gone beyond one of Quinton's uncles.

Quionton's mother who has also been former NSA and coded during the Cold War against Russia.

Unfortunately, Richard Wexler thinks he can force Quinton's mother to think about him and he is not afraid to kill her son if it can do that she will need a strong man to cry on and fall in love and marry him, so that he can rise through the ranks.

Mr. Wexler is abusing its power and would like to be president so he can force WBIS to destroyed and he uses blackmail against many, no conscience.

Elisabeth Wexler was perhaps a good wife, but her jealousy makes her also trying to kill Quinton's mother and this means that she is on my hate list.

The last person who called Peter Lapin trying to kill Quinton and also only think of to rise through the ranks and no conscience, abusing his power and is Wexler's right hand. 

I hate these people:
Peter Lapin, Edward Holmes, Elisabeth Wexler, Richard Wexler.

These people have no conscience and kill those who do not obey their orders, abuse of power and force other by means of blackmail. Fake snakes and evil people. 

There are many different emotions in the book, we see Quinton's family and their care, protection and mutual understanding, unity.